Those that have families with small children or are planning to start a family in the future that are considering adopting a dog should always be concerned as to whether the dog they have in mind will be suitable in a household with kids. Some breeds are certainly less suitable than others, but fanciers of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs tend to agree that these dogs make wonderful companions for children and adults alike. However, just because a breed is known as being kid friendly doesn't mean that new owners won't have a little work cut out for them to make sure both dog and children play safely together. In this article, we'll take a look at Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs with children and what you can do to ensure that your dog and your children will be comfortable with each other.
Fanciers of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs are unanimous in their claims that these dogs are not only suitable for children, but they are natural protectors of children. These intelligent dogs seem to understand the difference between their small playmates and their adult members of the family and change their methods of play accordingly. There are even those that suggest that an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will play differently with a three year old than it would with a twelve year old, indicating that they understand that smaller members of the family are more fragile that the larger ones and should be played with more delicately.

That being said, it will be your responsibility as a dog handler and a parent to make sure that everyone involved understands what is to be expected of them. The best place to start is with obedience training and socialization as soon as you bring your Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog puppy home. Training your dog from the earliest age to sit, stay or come, as well as teaching him what kind of behavior is allowed and what is not, will all help the dog understand his place in the home and what is expected of him. Like most dogs, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs respond well to positive reinforcement training and will lose their natural sweet temperaments if too much harsh, negative reinforcement is used.
While training your Alapaha is very important, making sure your children respect the needs of the dog are just as important. While Alapahas are naturally sturdy, strong dogs, children need to understand that rough play, particularly when the dog is just a puppy, may not be appropriate. It is also noteworthy to add that Alapahas are extremely devoted to and protective of their families, including the children of the household, so children must understand that roughhousing with their friends in the presence of an Alapaha may lead the dog to think that his family member is being attacked and respond in kind.
The vast majority of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs are docile, good natured dogs that get along very well with children, but taking a few extra precautions such as proper obedience training and educating your children on the proper way to behave with them will go a long way in ensuring that both dog and children will get along perfectly with each other.
Fanciers of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs are unanimous in their claims that these dogs are not only suitable for children, but they are natural protectors of children. These intelligent dogs seem to understand the difference between their small playmates and their adult members of the family and change their methods of play accordingly. There are even those that suggest that an Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog will play differently with a three year old than it would with a twelve year old, indicating that they understand that smaller members of the family are more fragile that the larger ones and should be played with more delicately.

That being said, it will be your responsibility as a dog handler and a parent to make sure that everyone involved understands what is to be expected of them. The best place to start is with obedience training and socialization as soon as you bring your Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog puppy home. Training your dog from the earliest age to sit, stay or come, as well as teaching him what kind of behavior is allowed and what is not, will all help the dog understand his place in the home and what is expected of him. Like most dogs, Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs respond well to positive reinforcement training and will lose their natural sweet temperaments if too much harsh, negative reinforcement is used.
While training your Alapaha is very important, making sure your children respect the needs of the dog are just as important. While Alapahas are naturally sturdy, strong dogs, children need to understand that rough play, particularly when the dog is just a puppy, may not be appropriate. It is also noteworthy to add that Alapahas are extremely devoted to and protective of their families, including the children of the household, so children must understand that roughhousing with their friends in the presence of an Alapaha may lead the dog to think that his family member is being attacked and respond in kind.
The vast majority of Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs are docile, good natured dogs that get along very well with children, but taking a few extra precautions such as proper obedience training and educating your children on the proper way to behave with them will go a long way in ensuring that both dog and children will get along perfectly with each other.
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